Happy St. Patricks Day!

Green is not only for St. Patricks Day – it’s for your home, too! This rich, vibrant jewel tone green is making a major statement in 2017 and it’s time for you to make a statement as well! In honor of St. Paddy’s Day, we put together a collage of some of our most beloved green items […]
Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

With Valentine’s Day in only a couple days we wanted to give you some last minute gift ideas! Whether for a loved one or a friend, these home decor gifts will help show your love for the special someone in your life. 1. Williams Sonoma plate & cup 2. Anthropologie book 3. Nordstrom throw 4. Anthropologie […]
The 411 on Farmhouse Sinks

If you’re on the lookout for a new kitchen sink and have a little bit of flexibility in the dimensions, capacity, and cost then you might want to consider a farmhouse sink for your new home or to replace your old kitchen sink. The simplicity of a single, deep sink is very attractive and is […]
Shemer Art Center Event

Raegan Ford Interior Design team participated in helping bring awareness to the Shemer Art Center by creating a centerpiece for their event “Shemer Honors.” Shemer Honors is a new art gala created to benefit Shemer Art Center and also celebrate the successful career of artist, Angela Tassoni. Six interior design firms in the Phoenix area […]